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Fourth Cohort Applications Are Now Open
Application deadline: February 9!

Our AIm

We increasingly notice that our current understanding of sustainability is no longer enough and that we need to update. However, we also see that the necessary will and leadership approach is lacking.

Today’s organizations need talents to help guide them through uncertainty while young people need guidance for the knowledge and skills they need.

Our challenge is to implement a new generation leadership and learning model that can respond to the above-mentioned needs, and thus, to nurture facilitators who will play a role in the transformation of organizations.

This is why we designed the S360Fellowship program.

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Fellowship at a glance

Learn from the experts

In these online sessions, we will provide information on topics that will be shaped by the expectations of the participants. We will start to deepen with the sessions we will hold on the topics in the thematic areas section. Before and after each session, we will carry out thematic readings and observations. We will also spend some of our time asking questions and discussing with guest experts.

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Learn from Each Other

We have a structure that relies on the wisdom of crowds. We look forward to discovering the knowledge and experience that each of our participants will add to the community while learning from someone who knows. Between the fortnightly "Learn from a Knower" sessions, we will have in-depth discussions in small groups of community members with questions to be asked within the framework of the thematic channel of that week. Thus, we will democratise our learning process by preventing the practice of one-way learning from the very beginning.

Learn from the Circle

Circle. The perfect geometric shape where all points are equidistant from the centre. By combining this most ancient practice, which represents democracy in decision- making processes, with Theory U-based coaching practices, we will be each other's closest supporter. We will listen to each other and try to understand each other without judgement, without giving advice, without trying to reach a conclusion. We will be each other's supporter by reflecting what we have listened and heard in an impartial way. With the Coaching Circles developed by Presencing Institute, we will examine individual and organisational leadership issues throughout the programme.

Learn from Nature

Are we looking closely enough? The unsustainable system we live in is the result of man forgetting the practices of nature. How would nature solve a problem? How would it act in the face of a complex issue? We will visit Farge Organik's farm in Izmit Fethiye Village, we will take solitary walks in nature, we will harvest crops from the field, we will cook and eat together. We will also reveal and share what we have learnt from all these through different practices throughout the day.

Learn from Yourself

One of the most fundamental components of the learning journey is frequent reflection. In particular, it is very important to individually record what we think and feel about the topics we have learnt, the discussions we have had and, more importantly, what we have thought and felt throughout the S360Fellowship programme. For this reason, we support each participant to record this experience from their own point of view through writing, drawing and recording practices that we will implement throughout the process.

Learn from the Community

We have said that we rely on the wisdom of crowds. From the earliest times, communities have exchanged skills, services and products to support each other. Throughout this learning experience, we will ask our participants to present skills that they do well and can share with the community. In this way, each participant will discover the knowledge and experience that they can bring to the community while learning from a knowledgeable person.

Learn from Action

Adults learn by doing. We need to experiment, get our hands dirty and make mistakes for lasting learning. We are aware that the gap between knowing and doing can only be bridged by well-intentioned actions. Therefore, you will facilitate the methods we will apply throughout the process and learn by doing. You will sign joint designs with our experienced facilitators and directly enter the kitchen.

THEMATIC areas of the program

  • Foundations of sustainability and corporate practices
  • Environmental justice and degrowth
  • Climate crisis and data-driven solutions
  • Systems perspective and unlearning
  • Leadership inspired by nature
  • Choice architecture and behavioral economics
  • System innovation
  • Regenerative system leadership
2025 Program Timeline
🏁  January 23
February 9
Application Deadline
March 5
Announcement of Results
March 11
Program Start
🎉 May 17
End of Program


Target Audience

We welcome everyone interested in unsustainability, university students, young professionals, senior professionals, academics.


If all goes well, we hope to have the program run from March 11 to May 17.

Our Expectation

We have designed the program to be accessible while you work/study full-time. We expect a time commitment of 4-6hrs per week and 3 full days from you.


The program will be in Turkish with the exception of certain trainings and content that will be in English, which is something we would like for you to take into consideration while filling out your application.

What happens next?

You will be a part of our Alumni community that include peers that have also completed the program and play a role in the transformation of organizations.
The real fun starts then! You will get to apply what you have learned during the fellowship in your professional and personal life!

Testimonials from our fellows

The S360Fellowship opens up an inclusive and multi-vocal space for facilitators who have the will to transform the system - going beyond the conventional wisdom. What I have learnt throughout the programme has enabled me to internalise repair and renewal beyond sustainability; I have experienced that transformation is possible not only through knowledge, but also by acting together and being inspired by nature. My advice to new participants: be open to transformation, because the connections you make here and the perspectives you gain will change not only your work life, but also your view of the world.

Harun Demircioğlu

S360Fellowship itself is a multifaceted sustainability experience, bringing together different disciplines and experiences. It is not only the various practices in the S360Fellowship that enrich us all, but also our ongoing contact afterwards. I love my tribe.

Başak Beykoz

S360Fellowship was a process in which I was able to find ways to act as a community by opening up spaces for each other around a multi-vocal and colourful circle with much different perspectives on the issue we were dealing with, and designing that space when necessary. For this reason, the relationship we have created here is not a ‘network’, on the contrary, it is a ‘connection’ environment where meaningful associations exist.

Zübeyir Tosun

S360Fellowship is a place where I am supported by the community for the areas that I dream to transform in myself and around me.

Berfu Batmaz

Taking the time to participate in this programme, which will enable participants to increase their knowledge and understanding and to establish a compassionate connection with themselves and the other participants of the programme, is one of the most valuable gifts an individual can give to themselves. Throughout the programme and after the end of the programme, processes are designed in which the participant can have new experiences in the learning process with the feeling that they form a community in harmonious integrity with other participants.

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